contest BEGIN! Sausage Throwdown

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The Hot Pepper

  • ANY cuisine... some amazing sausages out there from Argentina to Germany to New Orleans. Keep it traditional, show us your spin, or create your own. Perfect place for peppers/powders etc.
  • ANY dish, from a plated entree, to a sandwich, appetizer, or on-a-stick. Anything goes.
This one will be interesting in that, there will be two polls. One for who made the best sausage itself, and one for the best dish made with the same sausage.
  • Poll 1 - A final post with the entire process of making your sausage. This is to judge the sausage itself in all its glory, recipe and execution. Nothing else is to be shown in this post. You must take us from the grind and mixing to stuffing and cooking to finally, presentation. Cut into or slice to show the inside. If your sausage requires you to cook it in the dish you will be making, take a small portion to cook separately and present for this poll. You may include pics of all ingredients used and cooking processes used so pic allowance is 10 to be able to document properly. Absolutely no condiments or accompaniments.
  • Poll 2 - A final post with the dish you made with the same sausage. Anything goes here. Be traditional or creative.
MUST enter both.
All sausage must be homemade from scratch with a casing. No pre-made sausage, no butcher made-to-order sausage, this is to get you to try something new, or to show off your present sausage making skills. Meat, veg, fish all welcome but the definition is:
Sausage - A tubular food made from a ground protein (meat, poultry, fish, vegetable, etc.) encased in a skin. The sausage is formed in this casing which is usually made from intestine but sometimes is synthetic or vegetable-based. Some sausages are cooked during processing and the casing may be removed after (skinless commercial sausages such as hot dogs) but most times the (natural) casing is left on during cooking. Individual sausages are often linked with a twist to the casing and other times a length is spiraled for hand cutting.
CLICK: The 5 Rules for an eligible entry
Separate entry posts, title your entries, list all ingredients with measurements and cooking methods.
PoL: .85
(PoL only needs to be shown ONCE in a pic with all or a majority of the ingredients used, or in a final presentation pic of the main entry, preferably not on the plate.)
PIC ALLOWANCE: 10 pics for sausage, 5 for dish.
Tinnie said:
Waiting in eager anticipation for Texas Blues' soyrizo entry
My schedule doesn't allow for me to do this one.
if'n I had the time, I'd make a seafood sausage with shrimp, scallops, onions, garlic, and spices.
We don't need no stinkin' casing.
Shoot it right out of the KA sausage shooter right onto plastic wrap and roll it up and twist it up like a big fatty.
Then either into a low temp oven for slow cooking or a hot water bath.
But no.
Not enough time this weekend.
Never happened.
That's still a casing, synthetic, like how hot dogs are made at the factory... cooked in plastic casing then a machine pops it off...
too bad...
texas blues said:
My schedule doesn't allow for me to do this one.
if'n I had the time, I'd make a seafood sausage with shrimp, scallops, onions, garlic, and spices.
We don't need no stinkin' casing.
Shoot it right out of the KA sausage shooter right onto plastic wrap and roll it up and twist it up like a big fatty.
Then either into a low temp oven for slow cooking or a hot water bath.
But no.
Not enough time this weekend.
Never happened.
sous vide.
you can say it ...
sous ... vide ...
i'm so fucking hungry it's not funny.
TB all into the sous vide but just can't say the words lol........
water bath...........
too funny.....
Deathtosnails said:
Well, seeing as the French invented sous vide I can see why The TB wouldn't like to dirty his keyboard by typing out the hated skirt wearing froggy speak :D
I'm down w/ SV ...
SV ... SV/Sz ....
We don't need no stinkin' casing.
Shoot it right out of the KA sausage shooter right onto plastic wrap and roll it up and twist it up like a big fatty.
Then either into a low temp oven for slow cooking or a hot water bath.

is this legal? ... i might try to play, just for fun, if i can mince and SV something linked in Saran ...
The Hot Pepper said:
Sausage - A tubular food made from a ground protein (meat, poultry, fish, vegetable, etc.) encased in a skin. The sausage is formed in this casing which is usually made from intestine but sometimes is synthetic or vegetable-based. Some sausages are cooked during processing and the casing may be removed after (skinless commercial sausages such as hot dogs) but most times the (natural) casing is left on during cooking. Individual sausages are often linked with a twist to the casing and other times a length is spiraled for hand cutting.
Figured you'd already be on it.
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